
Zorgcomplex Villa de Zwette
Zorgcentrum Souburgh
Hart van Almere Poort
Rijnstate Ziekenhuis
Radiotherapy building for the St. Antonius Hospital
Redevelopment Strevelsweg
Allévo 'Zierik7' residential care centre
De Rooyse Wissel
D’Amandelhof residential care centre
Pharmacy Building of the AvL Hospital
Hof van Nassau nursing home
Mother and Child Centre
Rustoord residential care centre
Antoniushove HMC radiotherapy centre
Parc Drieën-Huysen residential care facility
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Nieuw Overbos care centre

Nieuw Overbos care centre

Duin- en Bollenstreek crematorium
Mr. Visserhuis Jewish care centre
Schiphol mortuary
Senior Apartment Building Puyckendam
'Huize Agnes' care project